HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project

DevOps Services for HRlink

In the busy area of employment management, the intensity of paperwork dealing stuff can be so cumbersome and resource-consuming that the whole business may as well be seriously hindered if it isn’t handled efficiently enough.

This is where manual efforts are becoming pretty outdated due to the ever-growing, dynamic global labor market.

And this is where progressive-minded projects like HRlink grab a great opportunity to make people’s lives easier and contribute to the digitization of employment paperwork management across all sorts of industries


We were initially approached by the HRlink’s development team that had just completed the project’s beta testing phase.

The team was seeking collaboration with experienced software engineers that could conduct a thorough basic infrastructure and services audit as well as handle the configuration of flexible solutions and approaches to building and maintaining processes of continuous product delivery across end-client servers.

The work agenda at hand included wrapping applications with Docker to make services performance independent from operating environments and providing declarative descriptions for all configurations, services, and processes to achieve the shortest project components’ recovery timeframe and compliance with the highest security standards across all elements.

HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project

Work agenda


A provider of solutions for automation of accounting, paperwork, and security handling processes.
A digital transformation specialist


1 Lead DevOps Engineer

Project Timeframe:

Consulting services and support have been provided since July 2021

Project goal:

Conduct an infrastructure and apps audit;

Develop a strategy for deploying and optimizing the infrastructure and underlying processes;

Work out flexible CI/CD flow approaches;

Prepare project updates delivery guidelines

HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project

Stack of tasks

HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project

Investigation of the current infrastructure;

Preparation of Docker files and bash scripts for infrastructure deployment;

Preparation of a Docker Compose file with a new configuration;

Configuration of Nexus as a private Docker registry;

Configuration of the Jenkins pipeline for building applications;

Updating full scripts for the production deployment process

HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project


We’ve had the pleasure to work with a leading provider of digital transformation and automation services.

The client required professional consulting concerning the orchestration of CI/CD processes in several projects at once, including employment paperwork and accounting systems.

The ultimate goal was to provide the client’s service department’s specialists with comprehensive, multipurpose solutions that they would be able to get a grasp on and use in their line of work without any issues.

Client requirements

  • Provide high-level DevOps consulting concerning the key software architecture solutions;
  • Offer experience in preparing software architecture solutions;
  • Conduct a full project audit;
  • Grant high standards of building failproof projects and process automation;
  • Provide an onboarding for the internal team of software developers and engineers
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project


Our team of professionals took part in all major stages of settling software architecture solutions, picking the right services, and investigating custom solutions. In the long run, we have designed and implemented a range of solutions for accelerated project deployment. Currently, we continue taking an active part in preparing the essential solutions for other client’s projects.

HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project

DevOps tech stack


HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project


HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project

Docker Compose

HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project


HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project


HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project


HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project

Bash script


As the final result of our professional efforts with the HRlink project, we have managed to thoroughly prepare simple, optimal solutions for the existing software architecture based on the specific business tasks of the client.

We have also formed comprehensive recommendations for the future development of the client’s other major projects.

Ultimately, this allowed cutting in half the time needed to deliver updates.

HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project


HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project
HR-Link - DevOps for a Unique Digitized Employment Paperwork Project

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