Openware solutions
Openware solutions

Openware Case

Openware Inc. is a key blockchain software elaboration company with open source. The company’s full-featured services let developers create new generation DeFi applications and enable businesses to run a reliable fiscal infrastructure prepared for the future.

Openware elaborates worldwide fiscal platforms, cryptocurrency burse programs, online brokerage services, cryptocurrency rialto annexes and repositories. Openware offers a set of services that each client takes and then builds into their own product. IT Outposts is a technical and solution partner for the implementation of these decisions.

Our main task was to deploy Openware solutions for our clients and provide integration with the native services of each of the blockchain platforms. We directly worked with two clients who are Centralex and Maxxer cryptocurrency exchanges.

These companies already had their own working platforms, but customers decided to embed Openware solutions into these platforms and integrate them into their own developments. These customers have their own development team that sourced the source code from the openware repositories.


The task was to package Openware software for Centralex and Maxxer, working with them under a direct contract. We have a lot of experience and IT Outpost has an agreed partnership with Openware, for which we are technical and solution partners for the implementation of their decisions in the client’s environment. We have ready-made technical documentation and successfully implement such cases in various niches.

The goal of the project was to develop a DevOps strategy and roadmap for implementing a new CI/CD stream with Kubernetes for distributed blockchain solutions, deploying and integrating project custom services with the main platform, implementing a central secret store and RACI matrix, enabling different types of deployments, and customizing flexible CI/CD flow.

It was also necessary to set up various types of autoscaling with detailed monitoring of the use of cluster resources and project services, train a full-time team of engineers and developers, and accompany the process of delivering solutions to production, ensuring continuity and quick rollback.

The specifics of working with the blockchain is more difficult in terms of launch, since the main hardship is the adaptation of custom solutions for the Openware service. A standard project takes 3 months, but for these companies, the implementation took longer, as the installation of the infrastructure took more time.

Openware solutions
Openware solutions
Openware solutions
Openware solutions

Work agenda






1 Lead devops + 1 Senior devops Engineer

Project Timeframe:

Consulting services and support provided from 17.08.2021 to 28.02.2022

Project goal:

Development of a DevOps strategy and roadmap for the implementation of a new CI / CD flow with Kubernetes for distributed blockchain solutions

Deployment and integration of custom project services with the main platform

Implementation of a central secret store and RACI matrix

Ensuring the ability to use different types of deployments and setting up a flexible CI / CD flow.

Setting up various types of autoscaling with detailed monitoring of the use of cluster resources and design services

Training of a full-time team of engineers and developers, as well as support for the process of delivering solutions to production.

Openware solutions
Openware solutions
Openware solutions
Openware solutions

Stack of tasks

Openware solutions
Openware solutions
Openware solutions

Automation of the CI/CD process

Configure CI for build and integration Openware services (cryptocurrency and decentralized exchange software, digital and crypto banking, NFT crypto marketplace, brokerage platform, market making and liquidity, crypto custofy software) and custom client services;

Configure repositories (deploymentGitRepository, HelmRepositories, ImageRepositories);

Configuring CD Flow for Kubernetes clusters with Flux (Install Flux on staging, deploy and configure Flux, testing on staging, install on production);

Workshop Automating the CI/CD process


Monitor changes from Openware repos from Gitlab (cryptocurrency and decentralized exchange software, digital and crypto banking, NFT crypto marketplace, brokerage platform, market making and liquidity, crypto custofy software);

Configuring Kubernetes Metrics to the Server

Install Jaeger (install on staging, testing, install on production);

Install Prometheus and Grafana dashboards Dashboard configuration with detailed system metrics and business metrics of each microservice


Install Vault (instal staging, instal production, testing)

Networking Policies for Kubernetes;

Migrate consul backend to Mysql ;

Configure Vault to Auto unseal;

Workshop Vault

Client requirements

Our the main objectives were:

  • automate CI / CD processes in such a way as to ensure high-quality integration of OpenWare services with custom services of each project: Centralex and Maxxer
  • provide free delivery of updates to production
  • implement a GitOps approach so that the processes that integrated teams work on are transparent and minimize the human factor
  • give detailed documentation to the client, in particular about rollback (in case of failures) and fully adapt their own team development and DevOps into established processes.
Openware solutions
Openware solutions
Openware solutions


During these projects, the IT Outpost team developed a strategy for managing confidential data, access rights and roles. We created the most convenient CI/CD flow, taking into account the specifics of more than 30 project microservices.

It was possible to reduce the influence of the “human factor” and the risk of production errors. In addition, they provided autoscaling of cluster and load balancer resources. Trained internal project teams.

IT Outposts implemented their approach (GitOps approach from Kubernetes) to automate deployment. Collaborated with internal development teams and DevOps to deliver updates to production, optimized all existing business processes so that the product has a holistic scalable structure.We’ve had the pleasure to provide services to Centralex and Maxxer. Their requirements were to install the OpenWare software for them, scale and adapt the infrastructure and processes to ensure the project is highly available in production.

How we did it

The project began with an assessment and analysis of the infrastructure and working environment. Our team explored the requirements for the final result of the two companies. Next, we developed the best recommendations for Centralex and Maxxer

The primary goals were to implement the Openware software and develop a DevOps strategy and a detailed plan for implementing a new CI/CD stream with Kubernetes for distributed blockchain solutions

Openware solutions
Openware solutions

For this reason, security is not affected. The process takes place with the participation of the engineers of the company that contacted us. That is, we do not request your confidential data, do not require access to the entrances, etc.

After that, our team tested the working environment on servers that did not interfere with the work of the company and ensured its continuity. The specifics of the provision of services by our company is that during testing, cooperation is carried out directly with the developers of clients

Openware solutions

IT Outpost conducted direct training during the installation of a new product for Centralex and Maxxer employees. This is a great benefit, since the company already has a ready-made solution and employees know how to work with it, applying the practice right during the provision of the service

When we set up the necessary products of the Openware, everyone agreed that it would go to production. Their products are OpenDAX, an open source digital asset exchange, OpenFinex, a proprietary, open source software with machine learning components designed to enable fast and targeted order picking in an enterprise-grade trading environment, and ArkeBot, a open source software that permits you to realize and perform custom trading strategies on centralized burses and decentralized protocols.

Openware solutions

After the provision of services, IT Outpost does not leave the company, and the companies are under the supervision of our best specialists. We start working under other contracts, we become contractors and a support service

Openware solutions
Openware solutions
Openware solutions
Openware solutions
Openware solutions

DevOps tech stack

Openware solutions

CI/CD & Monitoring and Logging

Openware solutions

Gitlab CI

Openware solutions

Drone CI

Openware solutions

Flux CD

Openware solutions


Openware solutions


Openware solutions


Infrastructure components provisioning

Openware solutions


Openware solutions


Openware solutions


Openware solutions


Services & Database

Openware solutions


Openware solutions


Openware solutions


Openware solutions

Gluster FS

Openware solutions


Openware solutions



The IT Outpost team has fulfilled all the requirements of the clients. Conducted scaled infrastructure and processes through the use of a larger stack of tools.

Due to this, it was possible to ensure the stability and high availability of projects in production, and also managed to train the internal project team to work with the tools used.

Openware solutions
Openware solutions


Openware solutions
Openware solutions

IT Outposts specialists organized the most comfortable CI/CD flow, taking into account the nuances of more than 30 project microservices. We minimized the manual labor factor and the risks of production errors, and also provided autoscaling of cluster and load balancer resources

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