Downscale AWS Kubernetes clusters resources:
Minimize resources of all services and prepare clusters for complete deletion after the full migration of services
Migrate AWS to Linode (via GitOps approach):
Set up the Kubernetes cluster on Linode via Terraform;
Set up monitoring via Prometheus and Grafana;
Set up Flux CD (dev/stg/prod);
Update the old cluster’s domain name;
Remove old AWS resources;
Create the dev/stage/prod environment on Linode;
Configure Elastic search, ELK, NATS, MinIO, Rabbit MQ, and other services;
Configure Dockerfile for node Red application;
Prepare the Docker-compose file
Implement business intelligence
Enable services:
Deploy ELK stack, Rabbit MQ, MinIO, Prometheus+Grafana monitoring tools with PagerDuty
Reconfigure CI/CD:
Optimize CI/CD for BitBucket and the new Docker registry with the following migration to Circle CI
Further CI/CD:
Implement CI/CD for new services
Deploy end product:
Help fully deploy the product on the end customers’ servers, with environment configuration and all other underlying tasks