DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform

DevOps Services for Excelsior

Today, blockchain provides unique powers for financial asset management, helping companies and entrepreneurs across numerous industries keep their finances secure, integral, and conveniently managed. We had special pleasure of working with a client that was specializing in financial asset management and running an authentic blockchain-powered platform.

The MVP of a blockchain trading platform, to be precise. We were tasked with scaling the project’s infrastructure and underlying processes, helping to grant a high level of stability and availability of the project in production.

For this, a dedicated team of experienced blockchain DevOps software engineers set out to support the development of a high-load project related to financial management. Among the major tasks initially was to provide declarative descriptions for all connected services and processes in order to achieve full high-security standards compliance in all project elements and minimum project element restoration time


Our ultimate goal is to supply you with market-defining DevOps practices implemented by seasoned professionals without making you go out of your way or burning a hole in your pocket.

That’s why we deliver business-changing opportunities and long-term cost-optimizing results in the most individually convenient manner. Here are the essential stages we usually implement when working with projects.

DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform

Work agenda


Company specializing in developing financial projects

Financial startup (through agreement)




2 Lead DevOps Engineers

Project Timeframe:

Consulting services and support have been provided since February 2020

Project goal:

Develop a DevOps strategy and a roadmap for building from scratch and scaling into production a unique financial project

Implement a centralized secrets storage and matrix of user roles for the tech team and clients

Grant the ability to use different types of deployments and configuration of the flexible CI/CD flow

Configure different types of autoscaling with detailed resource and services consumption monitoring

DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform

Stack of tasks

DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


Distributing employee access rights levels (via AWS multi-accounts);

Distributing employee database access rights levels;

Distributing microservices’ access to database tables

Monitoring and

Load and QPS for PostgreSQL;

Load and QPS for Redis;

Load and QPS for AWS Lambda;

Configured indexes in ElasticSearch;

Grafana dashboards that help manage all loads and network activities in the Kubernetes cluster:

Dashboards with business metrics (RPS on the backend and others);

Threshold values limiting alerts + automated notifications through multiple connection channels

Horizontal scaling:

Support of gRPC connections balancing between microservices;

Configuration of Horizontal Pod Autoscaler + Cluster Autoscaler + Pod Disruption Budget;

Load testing;

Connection Poolers (PgBouncer) for PostgreSQL;

Master + ReadOnly Replicas for PostgreSQL;




Installation of Prometheus monitoring and deployment of Prometheus operators in Docker;

Deployment of monitoring and Grafan using Ansible with following configuration and deployment of the alert manager;

Integration with the general Ansible playbook;

Addition of rules to custom metrics for services such as PostgreSQL, PgBouncer, Kafka, ClickHouse, ScyllaDB, HaProxy, etc

DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform

Client requirements

  • Grant in-depth expertise in all DevOps aspects;

  • Provide high-level DevOps consulting concerning key software architecture decisions;

  • SLA, high response speed, extensive troubleshooting experience;

  • High fail-safety and processes automation project standards;

  • Constant project maintenance.


Our dedicated team of specialists took part in all major stages of approving software architecture decisions, picking proper services, and investigating custom solutions outlined at the basic level in the project’s tech guidelines.

On top of that, we also implemented a GitOps approach to project deployment, provided solutions for working with sensitive data and access rights, described each infrastructure element and service deployment specifics declaratively. Currently, we continue to support and optimize development processes in the project, preparing it to enter the production phase.

DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform

DevOps tech stack

DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform



DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


Configuration management
and Infrastructure

DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform



DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


Monitoring & Logging

DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform



As the ultimate result of our efforts, we managed to establish close cooperation with the core project team, develop an efficient sensitive data, user roles, and access rights management strategy, organize utterly convenient CI/CD flow based on the specifics of over 30 project microservices.

We also managed to minimize the human involvement in many manual processes, excluding the human factor errors and reducing production errors risks. Lastly, we provided auto-scaling of cluster resources and a Load balancer (L4/L7).

DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform


DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform
DevOps Services for Excelsior, an Advanced Blockchain Platform

Do you have a high-standard software project related to the field of financial handling that needs optimization, improvement, or maybe even creation from scratch? Contact us if you wish to see a similar job get done for your project based on its particular specifics

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